SEO driven content: The cream of the crop always rises to the top

Move over keywords, meta tags, and links, there is a new SEO hero in town – the content creator.

Content is a vital part of SEO because it is an opportunity to reach more potential customers in the key moments that matter most.

Furthermore, content reflects the voice of a business, an understanding of target audience, and drives the buying cycle for the products and services. Content also contributes to what is known as ‘reputation building’ in the SEO space. But to rank highly with SEO, content must be relevant, accessible, and promote a positive user experience!

When it comes to SEO, not all content is created equally. The credibility of content is what separates the good from the bad. Google search algorithms rank every web page based on its reputation, or what’s known as E-A-T – which stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. If a page fails to establish any of these three core traits, it will struggle to rank in those top SEO spots.

Here a few things content creators can do to promote
a better SEO ranking on their web page:

  • Focus on the human factor – create a positive experience by making the reader feel seen and acknowledged
  • Produce unique, high value content like case studies or whitepapers
  • Refer to industry experts for material and have them review content
  • Use quality links that connect to reputable websites
  • Share content through recognised media channels
  • Promote products subtlety with well-written editorial
  • Avoid repetition by telling a unique story on every page
  • Ensure all content is inclusive, accessible, and universal across platforms
  • Perform regular content audits to make sure content is still relevant and up to date


SEO driven content is not a marketing expense but a long-term investment that will ensure your website and brand stay relevant. An invaluable SEO asset for your business is a content team – and COG is a content-driven agency with a cohort of passionate, experienced writers and producers. If you’re interested to learn how COG can add value to your business, please get in touch!


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